Best Networking Quotes for Newbies and Pros Alike

Best Networking Quotes for Newbies and Pros Alike

For one who is seeking inspiration to become better in his or her career or business, here are some of the best networking quotes. These quotes may seem like simple words, but they sure helped a lot of people in many ways. Some used these quotes to jumpstart an idle mind searching for something to spark their creativity. Others fired up the sleeping flame inside of them.

Networking is all about being connected, interacting with others, and building relationships. In fact, being a great networker requires skill that not just anybody can possess. It is very understandable if one looks for tips, techniques, and even just inspirations when they start building or growing their network. 

What is Networking? 

If you ask a group of people what networking means to them, you’re most likely going to get a variety of answers. Some would relate networking to computers or anything that involves IT. There are others who

would say something about pyramiding schemes. Investopedia defines networking as a process that involves people or groups sharing the same interests. When these people exchange ideas, knowledge, and

information in a social or business setting, they are networking. ( 

Building one’s network takes time and effort. It can be as simple as 1-2-3 for some, but networking can be challenging for others. Many would say that if you’re someone who’s confident enough to speak with a lot of people including strangers, then growing your network can be easy for you. If you refuse to get out of your shell and choose to stay within your own little world, then building a network can be difficult. 

Once you realize the importance of networking, you will be surprised at how beneficial it can be to you. Whether you are a business owner or if you’re looking to enrich your professional career, knowing how to build, grow, and maintain your network is definitely an advantage. Truth be told, not everybody can become a good networker. If you believe that you’re great in it, then you should continue to nourish and care for that skill. If there’s a lot of room for you to improve your networking skills, then look for inspiration and start working on achieving your goals today. 

10 Inspiring Quotes to Unleash Your Networking Power

Once you find the inspiration you need, make sure you act upon it. Don’t waste time and before you know it, you will become better than you’ve ever been before. You might find some of the quotes below relatable if you’ve been into networking for quite some time now or if you already have an existing network. If you’re a first-timer, these quotes can be very inspirational. There are plenty of lessons to learn so make sure you’re taking notes. 

1. Effective networking isn’t a result of luck — it requires hard work and persistence. – Lewis Howes

2. Networking is not about just connecting people. It’s about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities. – Michele Jennae

3. The richest people in the world look for and build networks, everyone else looks for work. – Robert T. Kiyosaki

4. Networking is about making meaningful, lasting connections that lead to one-to-one relationships. – Les Garnas

5. Networking is not about hunting. It is about farming. It’s about cultivating relationships. Don’t engage in premature solicitation. You’ll be a better networker if you remember that. – Dr. Ivan Misner

6. Position yourself as a center of influence, the one who knows the movers and shakers. People will respond to that, and you’ll soon become what you project. – Bob Burg

7. The way of the world is meeting people through other people. – Robert Kerrigan

8. If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people. – Chinese Proverb

9. Networking is marketing. Marketing yourself, marketing your uniqueness, marketing what you stand for.  – Christine Comaford-Lynch

10. A really important part of networking is actually about what you bring to the table-not just what you want to get out of it. Contribution is a big part of networking success. – Gina Romero

How to Start Building or Growing Your Network

If the networking quotes above didn’t inspire you, no one knows what will. It is your choice to be inspired. It is your decision if you want to start building or growing your network whether you’re inspired or not. If you have no idea how to start building or growing your network, the tips below might be able to help you out. 

1. Make time for networking every single day. 

While conferences, seminars, and other events might not be available for you to attend every day, there are other ways to build your network. As earlier mentioned, networking takes time and effort. Make sure you hand out your business card to someone today or the other way around. Even when you’re at home or in the office, you can make time to build your network. Use social media. The Internet is a blessing for those who are into networking. The possibilities to expand and grow your network online are simply limitless. 

2. Be open-minded. Your thoughts, ideas, and knowledge aren’t all there is in the world. 

Start thinking out of the box. Be open to other people’s suggestions. You are not the only great person in the world. There are plenty more just like you. You’ll be surprised when you choose to learn from and connect with people who never seemed to be like a perfect fit for your current network. When you’re networking, keep your eyes, ears, and mind open. 

3. Networking is not just about taking what benefits you. Be prepared to give.

Networking is a give and take relationship. You have to put something on the table so that others would want to have you in their network too. Think of it this way — even if you consider one to be part of your network, if he doesn’t include you in his network because he can’t get anything out of you, then that connection is pretty much useless. 

4. Be selective of who you add to your network without closing your doors completely to others you chose to leave out.

“You never know when someone might say yes.” There’s confusion, even disagreements when it comes to this quote among networkers. Others think that one should never be selective because you might just miss out on people who could have been a great part of your network. There are some would say that it’s a waste of time. You should be focused on your target. Be someone who would go in between. Be selective without closing your doors to anyone. 

5. Always be kind. 

A quote from Robert Kerrigan above says, “The way of the world is meeting people through other people.” Having the opportunity to meet people who will eventually connect you with other people further becomes way easier when you’re kind. Some people spend thousands of dollars just to get into the biggest conferences for networking. Being kind is free. Kindness can guarantee at least a few of the best people on your network.  

Truth be told, the tips above are mostly things you probably already know about. These are things you’ve learned even before you spent time reading through this entire page. Use them as a reminder. It’s nice to be reminded of the important things in life, or in this case, in networking. Even if these are things you already have on the back of our mind, being reminded of them may help you to finally step up and be on top of your networking game.